Here’s a life coaching class I am having through the City of Ukiah Parks and Recreation Dept. Mondays January 30 and February 6. Hope you can make it, and please pass the word.
Give yourself a Fresh Start in the New year!
Most of us get out of balance from time to time. Through simple practices you can return to center more quickly, reduce stress and experience more self-awareness, presence and well-being. From there, it is easier to increase creativity and make better choices for your life.
This two-part class is fun and experiential, and will provide many supportive tools you can take home with you.
Mondays January 30 and February 6
6 p.m. to 8 p.m. $50 for the two sessions
Ukiah Valley Conference Center, Chardonnay Room
200 S. School St., Ukiah
Register with the City of Ukiah Parks and Rec. Dept.
707-463-6231, 411 W. Clay Ukiah
or call Carol Goldberg at 707-391 5933