Re-Ignite the Fire in Your Heart!

What if you lived by what you most value?

Join me in a safe environment where you can explore a more conscious, clear and powerful place from which to create your life. With guidance and support, you take charge of your own healing and growth, producing more compelling and satisfying choices and changes.

Monday Feb 1, 2016  •  6:00 pm to 8:30 pm  •  $30
Alex Rorabaugh Recreation Center, 1640 South State Street, Ukiah

Come to this playful, interactive life coaching workshop

  • Explore what you most want in life
  • Inquire into what may be holding you back
  • Open to new perspectives and possibilities
  • Be more present, calm and grounded

This is your life! What better time than now to shift the energy that may be holding you back, and begin to spark the fire in your heart.

Register with the City of Ukiah, 411 W. Clay, Ukiah  •  707-463-6231

For more information call Carol at 707-391-5933