Whose Life Is this Anyway?

What intentions would you set to have a better life?

Find out how life coaching can support you.

This evening’s workshop is an invitation to explore more self-awareness of what holds you back and what brings you alive. We will utilize initial coaching steps in bringing more clarity, balance and well-being to your life, and take to heart what you most value.

In the spirit of more self-awareness, this fun, experiential class includes mindfulness exercises for relaxation, calming and presence; movement to open up and listen to your body; a journey into perspectives to see what’s true for you and to open to new possibilities. Through coaching and interactions, the evening unfolds collaboratively in support of one another.

Monday   Novemenber 7, 2016  •  6:00 pm to 8:30 pm  •  $30
Alex Rorabaugh Recreation Center, 1640 South State Street, Ukiah

Register with the City of Ukiah, 411 W. Clay, Ukiah  •  707-463-6231

For more information call Carol at 707-391-5933