What did this past year leave you yearning for?
This was the journal prompt we were given to ponder by writer Suleika Jaouod https://www.suleikajaouad.com as we headed into the new year. A friend and I took the prompt and ran with it, each taking a turn to answer the inquiry. It was a fun to explore with the idea of bringing life to our yearnings.
However, as we searched within to see what was yearning inside of us, the question came up as to whether what we were throwing out there was a yearning, or was it a want or a desire, and what is the difference.
With further contemplation, we felt that a yearning is something on a deeper, soulful level than just wants or desires. It is something that called to us from a place maybe we were a little apprehensive to venture into, as it made us feel more vulnerable. Or it felt like something that might be unattainable and out of reach that left us with an ache in our hearts.
Yet it also motivated us to dig deeper to bring to light the things that are most important to us, what we truly want to attain or, at the very least, have movement towards, going forward into 2024. We looked more at what yearnings we wanted to bring to life. And we felt more of a fire lit underneath us to work towards achieving those things. It became an exciting exercise to start the steps in the direction of change.
What is on your yearning list?
Write down your list and dig in to see what there is to uncover. Propel yourself forward into the coming year and bring life to your yearnings. You may find some surprises in there! Allow for possibilities to manifest in wild and wonderful ways.
As a life coach, I love exploring with clients those deeper places inside, defining those yearnings, and watching them manifest in real time. What a joy it is to see my clients shine!
Let’s connect and bring your yearnings to life!! Shine in 2024!